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Air Conditioning: An Integral Accessory both at Home and Office


Aaric Parker

Air conditioning has become an integral component of daily lifestyle at both professional places and domestic households. This advanced electronic mechanism enables us regulate the temperature of single living room or wide office floor space as per requirement. This sophisticate tool is not only useful at extreme-climactic conditions (too cold or hot weather) but also comes in handy to tackle certain situations, like clearing the suffocating environment in the room.

The reach of a modern Air Conditioning (AC) is farfetched. Apart from controlling the room temperature it keeps the inside air of cars, trains, buses and aero planes comfortable and healthy. Since it is utilized to either get protection from extreme cold or hot weather, in almost every country and geographic location AC machine enjoys popularity. However, it should be kept in mind that being a sophisticated electronic equipment, AC system should be kept under regular monitoring and cleaning activities to ensure its proper health and smooth functioning over a long period of time. Now, let us have a brief discussion on different utilities of AC service provisions.

Residential Utility:


Previously only the large residential apartments used to enjoy the presence of air conditioners. However, along with the improving purchasing power and the subsequent rising expenditure of middle-class people on luxury goods even small and moderate-sized households are fitted with such tools. The aim is to keep the air cool of a specific room in each house.

Commercial Utility:

Price is not a factor with mid and large sized industrial houses. They invest on availing the best equipments to keep the working environment warm and enjoyable. This improves their productivity no doubt. Generally corporate set ups utilize centralized AC system. Such facility does not merely control the temperature of a single room but that of several inter-connected rooms or a large floor space simultaneously. Supermarkets, shopping malls, theaters, cold storage, air port lounge, laboratory, research center are some examples of centrally managed air-conditioned locations.

There is no doubt that the basic technology and function of the Air Conditioning machine used at both domestic and professional industrial locations are same. But the power consumption volumes widely differ. Naturally the centrally maintained AC systems consume lots of electricity whereas domestic needs may be scant in comparison to it.

Air Conditioning UK has become a crucial mechanism due to the unique weather pattern in that country. Naturally, several top notched brands in the AC market have gained strong presence in the UK. However, there is no reason to presume that only the AC vendors have witnessed boom in their business, AC installation and maintenance service providers have also gained rich. TCL Air Conditioning is a top-notched firm in this regard.

With the growing usage of Air Conditioning system across commercial and residential complexes, the significance of its maintenance service has gained immense significance. Generally Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) is a preferred mode of AC maintenance and repair service. AC machines have become inseparable accessories of modern lifestyle at domestic households while they do their bit in improving the productivity at offices.

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