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By Adrianna Noton

We live in a much less serene world than our parents did, but that is not really all that unusual. Every generation has had the experience of raising children and discovering that the world these young people inherit seems much less safe than the one they experienced. This continuing degradation of confidence has led to the steady increase of home security systems.

One of the greatest causes for our current feelings of insecurity is the global experience of terrorism as brought home to our living rooms through the increase in communication technology. Reasonably safely embedded with our military personnel, reporters have a previously unattainable access to our war fighting process, and therefore so do we. While this may have a good effect on our international conduct of both war and peace, it stresses us as human beings.

This does not imply that the global war on terror is somehow less humane or more violent than previous wars in fact there are arguments to the contrary. War is, by its nature, an ugly endeavor and the introduction of more precise weaponry has made the engagement of opposing forces less likely to include unintended death and destruction. Still, witnessing the progress of military campaigns leaves us all with greater concern for safety in general, and that quite logically extends to our personal safety.


When we see the carnage of weaponry, regardless how crude, deliberately set to maim and kill as many as possible, regardless their position, religion or occupation, the true meaning of terrorism succeeds. It is not rational for regular people to see the apparent ease with which such violence can be perpetrated almost anywhere without feeling that it could affect me as well.

It is a truism that while not all crime is terrorism, all terrorism is criminal and that is why it hits so close to home. We believe our homes are places where we should be able to return to in a complete sense that we and our families will be protected within its walls. The continuous barrage of crimes that we see on the news leaves us with the nagging concern that we should do more to ensure our own well being is maintained.

With the economy adding to the pressures the government experiences, cuts to police forces are routinely discussed and in some cases a sad reality. Given that law enforcement has been diluted to a reactionary stance, who appear only after a crime has been committed increases our concern for preventive measures we have control over.

The common things we can do ourselves are sage advice and for the most part easily accomplished. We now lock our doors and windows downstairs even when it is really hot outside, and even when we are home, as well as ensuring easy access to the second floor is eliminated. We keep our external areas lit when possible and do not advertise the times we will not be around for extended periods, as well as making every effort not to have predictable pattern of residence and absence.

The sad truth however, is that a determined criminal will be able to overcome nearly any defensive system put in place to thwart him. We can help by not holding garage sales or any other meeting that will allow unknown individuals access to our homes and neighborhoods which allow for easy surveillance of ingress and egress possibilities regarding our home. But given that having assistance when a crime is being enacted can make a life or death difference, having one of the monitored home security systems on our side, and advertising that fact is a strong deterrent to crime and a significant relief for us.

About the Author: Check an Alarmforce review to ensure that the maximum security is installed at your property. More diverse opinions, recommendations, and complaints are found in the top database for Alarmforce reviews.


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