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Today, almost all companies demand background checks for their employees. But the question is why background checks are needed for the employees? The answer is simple. It gives employers a clear picture of whom they are working with. It has been estimated that around 40% of the resume contains false information. So, a Employee Background Screening helps employers to ensure that the employee is what he is claiming. Moreover, background verifications don’t always mean authenticating major information, but it also mean verifying petty information about the employees. For example- if someone claims that he has done MBA finance or he has graduated from a particular college then a background check can put a tick mark on the said information. These kinds of checks are basically done prior to or during employment.

The Background Verification typically includes a simple verification of the employee’s social security number to a detailed checking. Furthermore, it can include work history, credit, driving records, criminal records, vehicle registration, court records, compensation, bankruptcy, medical records, references, property ownership, drug test results, military records, and sex offender information.

It can involve a character check which has become a vital aspect in today’s scenario. A character check can typically involve speaking with personal acquaintances, including friends and neighbors. The extensiveness of a background check depends on the employer, company, and the job involved.


There are certain things that cannot be involved in a background check such as bankruptcies after 10 years, civil suits, civil judgments and records of arrest after 7 years, paid tax liens after 7 years, and accounts placed for collection after 7 years. Employers can only look into certain records with employees’ consent.

These checks can also help employers get rid of liability issues. If an employee has behavior issues, then the employer can take necessary action against the employee if required. It can also help employers get rid of liability issues. If an employee has behavior issues, then the employer can take necessary action against the employee if required. Here we provide you all with a few tips as to how you can get your employment background verification right.

For most extreme wellbeing and safety, the organization should have a reliable and reasonable policy for verifications that verifies the background of every candidate irrespective of the position they are applying for. There should be no inclinations or loosening up the standards for any applicant and the verification process must be done without any partiality.

While it is essential to lead business check forms on all up-and-comers with no sort of discrimination, it is additionally critical to comprehend that one size doesn’t constantly fit all. Subsequently, it is foremost that work foundation confirmation bundles be custom-made to fit each activity position. The higher the hazard or the more significant the position, the more careful and stringent the personal investigation ought to be.

While searching for Background Screening Companies, look or agencies which have ISO mark. Having an ISO in your background verification companies in India means, they keep the quality and data security norms in leading representative screening administrations for your organization and in particular, agree to information security. In addition, pick sellers who have area aptitude in background confirmation alone, as opposed to the individuals who offer plenty of administrations without having some expertise in anything.

On the off chance that you discover anything in the business foundation check results that may influence the applicant’s capability for the activity position, try to make important move. Don’t simply direct record verifications only for it. Continuously finish relieving dangers for your company.

There are different laws for different kinds of verifications. For example, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) can enable you to discover which background check administrations you can include with regard to data on an applicant’s credit. Choose the law according to the requirement and get your verification done in the right manner.

Whatever the consequence of your business check might be, consistently be straightforward about it with the candidates. You need to advise them about your discoveries, and if there is anything flawed, offer them a chance to clarify and legitimize themselves. One must guarantee that the foundation confirmation procedure is a success win for both the business and the worker and the experience is consistent for both the gatherings.
