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Include Keyword Research in Your Article Marketing Strategy


Javed AnwarMany internet marketers consider article marketing as the best way to drive free traffic to you site and build quality one way backlinks. Some people raise questions about the future of article marketing but the reality is that articles are content for search engines and that it what they like. Therefore article marketing is not going to die.

Article marketing works in two ways. First, if your article is distributed with a backlink in its resource box, it is included on many article directories and blogs by many publishers. This as a result gives you loads of one way backlinks and the search engine ranking of your site improves.

Second, the article you have written gets a good position in the search engines by itself. For example, the article may rank on the first page of Google for a particular keyword. When somebody searches for that keyword, clicks on your article, reads the article and then clicks on the link which takes the visitor to your site.

In this way you get traffic by ranking your articles well in the search engines. It is quite easy for your article to get a decent search engine ranking if you do proper keyword research before writing the article.

The same principles of search engine optimization also apply on article writing. If you optimize your article with a long tail keyword which is searched in good numbers and does not have satisfactory relevant results in the search results pages in the search engines, you have high chances of getting your article ranked on the first page.

To get a good long tail keyword, you must first decide the niche in which you have to write an article. Then you think of some relevant keywords of the same niche and type in Google Keyword Tool. Concentrate on phrases which have three or more words in it and have at least 500 exact phrase searches per month.

Now type in these keywords in Google and check the results to see if you find any relevant pages. If you feel that for a given keyword, the search engine does not show relevant results, you can select that keyword and write an article optimized for it.

If you take the above steps, you have a high chance of ranking the article well in the search engines and reaping satisfactory traffic from that article.

There are three ways you can maximize the traffic. First, you keep on writing several articles using the same method to multiply the backlinks. Second, post your articles in which ranks well in search engines and third, write quality articles so that the visitors consider you an authority and have more chances of clicking on the links provided in the resource box of your articles.

So now you know what the absolutely free way to drive a ton of traffic to your site is. All you have to do is apply the right fundamentals as described above.

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