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Elderly dehydration is also caused by illnesses that involve diarrhea and vomiting. They take various medications that cause seniors to sweat more and lose water all through the day. And yes! seniors sometime avoid drinking owing to mobility issues. Along with drinking water they also do not want to move frequently to washrooms.

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Common signs of dehydration

Let me tell you that it is not easy to notice whether a senior is dehydrated or not. However, it is important to know some of the warning signs of dehydration among the elderly. It is because dehydration can lead to conditions like urinary tract infection, kidney stones and constipation. Some of the noticeable signs of dehydration among senior citizens are the following.

  • Dizziness or frequent headaches
  • Dry, sticky nose or mouth
  • Reduced urine output
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lower sweat production
  • Dry skin and sunken eyes
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Less skin elasticity

Preventing dehydration

If a senior citizen is experiencing health issues like renal or cardiac problems, then even mild dehydration can affect their overall health. However, below-mentioned are some of the ways to prevent dehydration and encourage the elderly to consume the correct quantity of fluids.

  • Diversify consumption

Diversify liquid consumption and enhance fluid intake by adding coconut or any other fruit juice. Among fruit juices, orange, apple and grape juices tops the list that helps to reduce dehydration. It is because these contain high amount of potassium and electrolytes that replenish nutrients all throughout the day.

  • Avoid excessive evaporation

Sweating is an issue in summer, especially for the elders. Staying cool will help to maintain hydration through the day. You can use an air conditioner indoors to maintain humidity and cooler temperatures. Try to stay in shade even in the outdoors during the summer. It is also important to pick the fluids wisely for the seniors. Caffeine and sugar are enjoyed as favorite beverages during summer but they cannot replace water for reducing dehydration. They are not ideal to fulfill the purpose of regular hydration.

  • Choose time wisely

Do not allow a senior citizen’s core temperature to rise or remain higher for an extended time. The outdoor shade under a tree is not enough to prevent rise in body temperature, excessive sweating or dehydration. It means that time during which sun is at the highest and UV rays are strongest need to be avoided for going out. The best time for seniors to move out is before 10 am and after 5pm during the summer to avoid dehydration.

  • Encourage to drink

Do not try to make seniors consume a large amount of water all at once. Instead, it is important that elderly people drink water throughout the day. Create a schedule for drinking to stay on track so that they do not miss drinking. Keep a water bottle nearby at all times so that mobility issues do not prevent drinking water. Try to limit the intake of water just before sleeping to avoid unnecessary movement during night.

  • Select foods high in water

Certain foods that contain a high-water content like soup, fruits, yogurt should be included in the diet of the elderly people. These also include fruits and vegetables that supplement the intake of water among seniors. It will help them to meet daily water requirement easily.
